• Organisation Design & Strategy

  • Job Analysis/Role Profiling

  • Development of policies, procedures and contracts





Convivacité  can assist you  in all areas of human resources from organisation design and training services through to policies and procedures, outsourcing and employee performance.
Organisation Design & Strategy
We specialise in developing new organisation designs for "start ups" as well as restructuring current designs for existing businesses. We can work with you to formulate your strategy and/or organisation design.
The strategy and structure of your organisation forms the foundation from which you can grow and develop as a business.  We will work with you to formulate the best-fit design for your organisation
We can work with you to deliver:
  • Best-fit organsation design options
  • The re-design of business-unit structures, major functions and business teams
  • Assessments on how effective your current organisation structure is
  • Human Resurce strategy design
  • Identify the impacts on measurements, rewards, clarity, culture and leadership
  • Develop an effective Change Plan for migration and/or implementation activities

Our approach is completely consultative and we will involve your management and employees throughout the design process.

Job Analysis/Role Profiling

  • Job Analysis & Role Profiling - defining the key essential skills & accountabilities of a job

  • We can look at the key accountabilities of a job and produce a set of key performance indicators against that job that will help to determine the skills, knowledge, experience, competencies and behaviours associated with the successful performance of that job

The process of job analysis is a critical function as job descriptions and roles and responsibilities form the baseline information that drive:

  • Recruitment & Selection

  • Performance Management

  • Reward and Recognition

  • Career Progression

  • Organisation Design

  • Restructuring

  • Employee Development

Convivacité  has extensive experience and skill in carrying out job analysis which can include:

  • Job interviews and/or observing employees at their work place, using structured or unstructured approaches.
  • Interviewing individual workers, groups of workers, supervisors and technical specialists
  • Utilising structured or open ended questionnaires
  • Requiring workers to complete self report diaries

We can help you to improve your business performance in this connection we

  • Implement performance management processes and systems
  • Design and implement appropriate reward systems
  • Develop career planning and progression programmes
  • Implement appraisal processes and systems
  • Review your human capital processes and make them more effective
  • Implement talent management initiatives
  • Design employee recognition schemes
  • Develop management information systems

Convivacité  can provide you with the development of your policies, procedures and contracts that are unique to you and are developed around your specific requirements and needs.